Mr. Glenn Sanders age 78 of Four Oaks, NC transitioned on October 25, 2020 at UNC Johnston Health in Smithfield, NC. Mr. Sanders was born April 13, 1942.
Mr. Sanders leaves to mourn his memory a daughter Marilyn Robinson-Kellon, one brother Bobby Snead, one grand daughter Sierra Crumpler, a host of other relatives and friends.
Thursday October 29, 2020 in the Walter Sanders Funeral & Cremation Services Chapel 302 S. Bright Leaf Blvd., Smithfield, NC. from 3:00 pm until 6:00 pm. (Face Coverings are Required)
Funeral Service: Friday October 30, 2020 in the Walter Sanders Funeral & Cremation Services Chapel at 11:00 am. (Facial Coverings are Required. Limited seating 25 persons allowed.
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Guest Book
Family or Deceased Name: Glen Sanders
Your Name: Deana Peaks
Message: Sister Marilyn So sorry to hear of your dad’s home going. Prayers of peace comfort and joy. Love you.
Date: 10302020
Family or Deceased Name: Mr. Glenn Sanders
Your Name: The Strickland Family
Message: To Marilyn & Family:
Our deepest sympathy is extended to you as you mourn the loss of your Dad. May his fond memories comfort you today and in the days to come. May God continue to bless you & your family. We love you!
Date: 10-29-2020
Family or Deceased Name: Glenn Sanders
Your Name: Hattie Lofton
Message: May your FAITH in GOD help heal your sorrow. Deacon Glenn & Evangelist Hattie Lofton of Hickory Grove Church
Date: 10/28/2020